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Sample research papers:

Al Guindy, M., Corporate Twitter use and cost of equity capital. (2021), Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 68, 101926.

  • Presented at: FMA 2016 (Best Paper Award semi-finalist), Applied FMA 2016, WFC 2016

Al Guindy, M., Cryptocurrency price volatility and investor attention. (2021), International Review of Economics and Finance. Volume 76: 556-570.

Al Guindy, M., Fear and hope in financial social networks: evidence from Covid-19. (2022), Finance Research Letters, Volume 46(A).

Al Guindy, M., Naughton, J., Riordan, R., The evolution of corporate Twitter usage. (2024), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

  • Presented at: FMA 2017 (Best paper award semi-finalist), NFA 2016, FMA 2016 Doctoral Consortium, 2017 Financial Risks International Forum (FinTech), Georgetown University

Al Guindy, M., Riordan, R., The Social internetwork and stock returns. (2023) Working Paper.​

  • Winner of SSHRC Insight Development Grant

  • Presented at Society of Financial Studies (SFS) Cavalcade Conference (2021), Northern Finance Association Conference (2021), European Finance Association Conference (2020), FMA (2020) semi-finalist for Best Paper Award in Fintech, 3rd Toronto Fintech conference (2020). South Denmark University Finance Workshop (2022)

Research awards/grants:

2022              Carleton University Research Achievement Award


2022-2025      Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John Evans Leaders Fund (JELF)

Sole Investigator. Project budget of $234,252 with contributions from CFI, Ontario Research Fund, and Carleton University.


2022-2024      SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Principle Investigator. $59,220.

Title: Exploring robo-news in financial markets: an A.I. approach

Collaborators: Olga Baysal, Carleton University School of Computing; Sandra Robinson, Carleton University Media Studies

Ranked 2nd out of all applications reviewed by the committee: 430-14C - Business,

management and related fields.


2021-2025       Carleton University Multidisciplinary Research Catalyst Fund

Co-Principle Investigator. $40,000.

Title: Deciphering Digital Assets

Team: Olga Baysal (School of Computer Science), Ahmed El-Roby (School of Computer Science), Tracey Lauriault (School of Journalism and Communication), Lynda Khalaf (Department of Economics), Alan Tsang (School of Computer Science), and Alex Wilner (School of International Affairs).


2020-2021       Carleton University Covid-19 Rapid Response Research Grant

Sole Investigator. $24,787.

Title: Social Learning in Economic Networks: Evidence from COVID-19.


2019-2021       SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Principle Investigator. $48,966.

Title: The Social Internetwork

Co-investigator: Ryan Riordan, Queen’s University.


2019-2020      SSHRC Explorer Institutional Grant

Sole Investigator. $9,960.

Title: Robo News in Financial Markets


2017               Carleton University start-up fund. $30,000.

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